Senin, 15 Februari 2010


As well known, Indonesia is archipelago country, laying from west to east, more than 200 milions people. Indonesia has many cultures, languages, etnics, and religions. But we still stay being one, that is Indonesia. Because of that, we are not sparable in spite of differences. We have single country, that is Indonesia; we have single language, that is Indonesia; and we have single flag, that is Indonesia. These are called “Youth Pledge 1928”.

We must be able to keep the unity of our country forever. We must abandon our heroes’ ideas to become a big country. A big country must be able to respect the differences. We must build this country to be much better and much more developing. We must show to the world that we can prove it. If we work hard together, we will reach prosperity. Because we are a rich country that has big natural resources to be produced fully for Indonesian people as long as Indonesia has quality human resources to produce it.

In fact, we always face with clasic internal problems like coruption and provocation. It’s not easy to stop this behavior. We have serious problem to solve, so we need serious people to solve it. The people who have honesty, good behavior, and inteligency, they will be able to erase the poverty. So we must build our education that teach our childern good behavior in line with religion and constitution thinking. The education that doesn’t only expect to get high score in National Final Exam, but also good behavior that respects differences, and has true intention to build this country. We must keep striving to continue our heroes’ struggle who had passed away before us. We must always do usefull something for sociaty.


Kamis, 04 Februari 2010


Baitul Maal wat Tamwil merupakan Lembaga Keuangan Non Bank yang selain bergerak di bidang bisnis yang bersifat profit oriented (Baitut Tamwil), juga bergerak sebagai lembaga sosial (Baitul Maal). Bahwa salah satu kegiatan sosial yang dilakukan oleh Baitul Maal adalah pembiayaan qardhul hasan. Yang menjadikan ketertarikan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan pembiayaan qardhul hasan dalam pembinaan kesejahteraan penerima pembiayaan ini.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah field reaserch yang dilakukan di BMT tentang Pembiayaan Qardhul Hasan. Sumber data meliputi sumber data primer dan skunder. Tehnik pengumpulan datanya melalui documentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan metode analisis diskriptif kualitatif dengan berfikir secara induktif.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelola pembiayaan qardhul hasan di Baitul Maal berperan kecil dalam pembinaan kesejahteraan peminjam karena peranannya hanya memberikan pinjaman kepada peminjam sekedar untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan peminjam.


By Mohammad Arifuddin, SHI.

Indonesia is a country in South East Asia. Indonesia is the member of ASEAN. Free Trade Agreement ASEAN and China (CAFTA) makes Indonesia must be ready to open Free Trade with China. The local entrepreneurs must dare to chalange with China products which spread in Indonesia Market. The chalanges are not only the quality of the products but also the price. As well known, the price of China products are cheaper than local products. Moreover the China products have spreaded for while in Indonesia.

In fact the local products can’t chalange with China products. Our sociaty has not been ready to face the free trade. The government must prepare the sociaty’s education to improve their skill, talent in order that they can be more creative and inovative. Moreover the government must cut the tax for entrepreneurs and cut the interest. Because the tax and the interest are still too high for them. If the government doesn’t do this policy, as a result the local companies will become bankrupt. So many employments will be fired and will creat new jobles. I think the government must perform renegosiation to cancle the agreement and to seek the other ways out by making new concept of trade, that is “fair trade”. The trading that gives sharing profit by following rules of busines.

Free trade is quite different from fair trade. Free trade is no limitation among countries and even no rules. So foreign products will be free to enter in our markets including the traditional markets. We know that sellers want to buy products by low price and sell them by high price. China products are the cheapest, so the sellers and the buyers would rather choose China products than Local products.

What did government do to anticipate this condition will be ? Will government decide better policy to help the local entrepreneurs in order to keep going doing their busines future ? Those are our questions.

We hope so much that our government must consider and remind giving the best policy for local entrepreneurs. This condition will also make foreign investors less and less. Because they move their capital to other countries which will be based of production to Indonesia market.

This case will presure Indonesia export to market yet import of goods from overseas wellcome more and more.

If this case continues, just one up to two years Indonesia will become consumer country. Economy stays growing up, but it is no quality.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010


Perbuatan korupsi yang dilakukan oleh pejabat negara tidak akan mungkin bisa dihilangkan atau minimal bisa dikurangi. Hal itu dikarenakan semakin besar biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam pemilu maka semakin besar pula perilaku korupsi. semakin banyak lembaga hukum yang didirikan belum mampu menghentikan sikap ini yang merugikan negara triliunan rupiah. Kejaksaan tidak bisa menjalankan tugasnya untuk memberantas praktek korupsi, sehingga pemerinatah membentuk lembaga khusus yang berwenang luas menangani tindak pidana korusi yaitu Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi. Hal ini juga tidak mampu menghentikan sikap korup para pejabat di negri ini. Apalagi para petinggi KPK sekarang sedang dilucuti.

Maka dari itu, perlu adanya revisi terhadap sistem perpolitikan di Indonesia yang lebih hemat, menghilakan money politic dan black campaign. Sehingga dalam pemilu para calon lebih mengenalkan pada keunggalan inteligensi dan integritas kepada masyarakat dan planing program-program yang populis bukannya karena banyaknya uang. Masyarakat kita semakin lama semakin cerdas untuk menentukan pilihan yaitu memilih calon yang cerdas yang berperilaku yang baik dan bisa dipercaya menyuarakan suara rakyat terutama masyarakat miskin.


Menegakkan nilai-nilai keadilan lebih utama dari pada sekedar menjalankan berbagai prosedur formal perundang-undangan yang acap kali dikaitkan dengan penegakan hukum.
hal tersebut terutama dalam bidang politik, definisi hukum sering kali hanya disempitkan kepada prosedur yang tertuang dalam suatu ketentuan atau peraturan perundang-undangan. padahal rasa keadilan tidak hanya tegak bila penegak hujum hanya menindak berlandaskan pasal dalam UU secara kaku dan mengenali nilai keadilan. karena paradigma keadilan subtantif bisa saja menyimpang dari UU kalau pelaksanaan UU itu menimbulkan ketidak adilan dalam masyarakat.